This award-winning animated short film tells the story of Wally, an eight-year-old girl whose life is increasingly turn…
Malek, a Tunisian girl, wants to be a professional fencer when she grows up. Along with her best friend, Malek strives …
The release in 1986 of Karl-Marx-Stadt meant a musical revolution for their generation. This film documents the short l…
Through a compelling contemplative approach, this film follows the people living inside the caldera of the volcano Pico…
Against the stunning setting of modern Estonia, this film explores a singing tradition of mysterious power called the R…
With a provocative title, this short film essay delves into the image that documents a rally of the National Democratic…
While her mother cuts tea in a nearby field, Bahri and Damla, two children from a small village in the Turkish mountain…
With a strong militant signature, this film documents the struggle of the defenders of the last independent cinema of I…
In a journey through the images of Lebanese mass media in recent years, the contradictory portrait of a country that li…
Through a meticulous investigation, this film documents the struggle of a small coastal community of Ireland against th…
Shooted over the course of nine years, this intimate film documents the fatherhood, the breakup of his relationship and…
David has two passions in life: being a father and rap. Through a close and chronological follow-up, we become witnesse…
This mysterious short film is a kind of night road trip across downtown Cairo spun by the account of the dreams of its …
Devastated during the Spanish civil war in the 30s, today the old town of Belchite only exists in its ruins and in the …
The Swiss singer Stephan Eicher and his brother Erich embark on a musical journey to their Yenish origins. The two toge…
Shot during the dusk for two months in a row, in this film a disciple documents the daily life of his irreverent film p…
Seen trhough the lens of her own daughter's camera, this film documents the grieving process of Mette Hannibal after he…
With the help of a legendary recruiter, the Dudley United Footbal Club, an Australian football team of the small Kangar…
In an intimate and exciting journey to the root, the film follows a family based in Okinawa, Japan, that visits Taiwan …
After being sentenced for murder, a young South African gets his life back through boxing.
Trapped in the structures of a destructive family, with no help from the outside world, a mother and a daughter embrace…
Through a direct cinema style and taking the point of view of a faithful follower of his campaign, this documentary fol…
The pass of time has left a blank space in a sentence written on the facade of a humble rural house in China: "Only__is…
In this beautifully photographed documentary, the inhabitants that live on the banks of an Indian river show us their p…
Set against a backdrop of hurricanes, coastal devastation, and apocalyptic fear, the film is an unnerving exploration o…
In a house located in a peaceful village in Croatia, eight underage girls try to improve their lives by living together…
Safe Passage is a silent look at a historic passage between Iran and Iraq for pilgrims heading from one country to anot…
The film follows four young Brazilians around their humble neighborhood where they live between work and fun, crime and…
In a family of women, the corners of an old house are witnesses of the course of life. The older women go through the l…
Through an observational exercise, this short film documents the only hour of freedom for prisoners in a Brazilian jail.
This funny animation takes us through the diverse voices that make up the Bronx through the music and the street object…
Island of Borneo, Malay territory. Built as a documentary thriller, the film portrays the resistance of the Penan indig…
To make contact with distant beings, wether ghosts, birds or radio listeners on the other side of the world, is the onl…
Childhood follows a group of children in a rural kindergarden for a year. The film portrays a genuine learning process …
Known as one of the best dancers in Tehran and having been Iran's first female film director, Shahrzad's artistic caree…
Three stories from Sierra Maestra, Cuba, unravel on the day of the 52nd anniversary of the Revolution. What will the li…
For many years, the mountain has been moved between two countries, Brazil and China. Romulo, an ex-mineworker, heads in…
When three young friends set out on a journey they discover being on your own isn’t as easy as it seemed.
The Earth's population is increasing. Genetically engineered crops shall secure the world's nourishment. And soy is one…
This beautiful film is about the meeting of craftsmanship and art at the St Gallen Art Foundry, in Shanghai.
Sault Ste. Marie I-500 is an annual snowmobile race held in Michigan, United States. After two years of cinematic invol…
Director Orban Wallace addresses the issue of the refugee crisis in Europe from an unexpected perspective: How this cri…
In remote areas of Cambodia, Miss Rain, a woman haunted by her tragic past, makes a journey to the place where she lost…
Fragmented and multilingual, this short film is a random journey through the images of the author's quotidian world to …
In this documentary, a boat acts as a metaphor to illustrate the following premise: technological advances could be the…
Denis is in his final year at the Ukraine’s National Music Academy. He faces his graduation exam, in which he has the c…
A piglet named Caesar lives a happy life with a loving owner, which is very different from other piglets’ lives. But do…
Present-day Bulgaria. After discovering the secret police files belonging to her grandfather, a man who joined the anti…
Best Documentary Films