Mixing animation and documentary techniques, this short film presents only an extract from the daily life of street artists in a major city.
AWARDS: Best Documentary Short. Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños y Jóvenes/ Best International Short Film. Festival Internacional de Cinema da Fronteira/ Best Latin American Short Film. Ajayu – Festival Internacional de Animación/ Honorable Mention. Kolibrí - Festival Internacional para la Niñez y la Adolescencia/ Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay. Encontro Nacional de Cinema e Vídeo dos Sertões/ Best Film (Audience Award). FECIN/ Best Film (Audience Award). Festival de Cinema de Santos/ Best Animation Short. Festival Humana de Cinema/ Best Animation Short. Festcine Pedra Azul/ Best Animation Short. Festival de Cinema de Três Passos/ Best Animation Short. Festival Curta Campos do Jordão/ Best Animation. ENCINA/ Best Animation. Cine Goiás FICA/ Best Children’s Film (Audience Award). FAVERA – Festival Audiovisual Vera Cruz/ Best Children’s Film (Audience Award). Festival de Cinema de Caruaru/ Best Children’s Film. Curta Taquary – Festival Internacional de Curta-metragem/ Best Film (Audience Award). AFIC/ Best Screenplay. Festival Mimoso de Cinema/ Best Film Editing. MAD – Mostra Audiovisual de Dourados/ Honorable Mention. Curtas em 20/ Honorable Mention. Mostra Formiga Independente/ Special Jury Prize. Goiânia Mostra Curtas/ Best Animation Short. Festival Humana de Cinema/ Best Animation Short. Festcine Pedra Azul/ Best Animation Short. Festival de Cinema de Três Passos/ Best Animation Short. Festival Curta Campos do Jordão
The Juggler. An animation about street art
The Juggler, by Iuri Moreno, collects fragments from the daily lives and experiences of street artists, who amidst the hostility of major cities, seek to bring colors and smiles to those who cross their paths.
The playful art direction and sound effects provide a contrast between the monochromatic landscapes and the multiplicity of colors in this hybrid between animation and documentary.