In a house located in a peaceful village in Croatia, eight underage girls try to improve their lives by living together with their caretakers. But when the seed of a quiet rebellion springs, there is room for a vital debate.
AWARDS: Audience Award. Croatian Film Days/ Special Jury Mention. Dokufest/ Best Cinematography. Sose International Film Festival/ Best Documentary. CINALFAMA
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Mediterranean Film Festival Split/ Dokufest/ Makedox/ Liburnia Film Festival/ Festival Kratkih Ljubilna/ YU'/ AegeansDocs International Documentary Film Festival/ East Coast Film Festival/ Vox Feminae Festival/ Anthropological Film Festival of Children and Youth/ Pravo Ljudski Film Festival/ Luksuz Festival Po Ceni Filma/ First Look Film Festival/ Let's See Film Festival/ La Guarimba International Film Festival/ Near Nazareth Festival. Signs Festival/ CUCIF
Something About Life. Eight girls between the past and the future
Isolated in a large house, surrounded by the bucolic landscape of a small village in Slavonia, Croatia, eight underage women live together under the guidance of their caretakers, a coexistence in which the girls seek to put their lives back on track.
Here they grow up together. They do the household and manage the land. Once a week they get to visit from a professional drummer who teaches them the art of drumming. But Ivana, a 14-year-old girl just arrived at the house, refuses to play drums. Why?