¿How to watch documentaries online for free?

1 de agost de 2018

If you are a documentary lover and want to watch non-fiction films for free, you have come to the right place. We are Guidedoc, the best website to watch documentary films online

Each of the documentaries in our catalog brings a unique story for you, and several of them have been awarded at the best festivals in the world, such as Sundance, Berlinale, IDFA and the Oscars. We publish new films every day, online movies you won't find anywhere else. 

Apart from loving documentaries, we love technology. We make a big effort every day to create the perfect app and website with the intent that our documentaries will be seen alongside an excellent user experience.

Yeah, right. But let’s get to the point:

Where can I watch documentaries on the Internet for free?

The homepage of guidedoc.tv

You can try Guidedoc for free for a month with this promo code: lovingdocs

The only thing you have to do is type the magic word on this link: 

This "magic word" will give you access to over 1400 documentary films that we have collected over our years of existence!

You can find the best docs to watch online in many different ways. Our films are categorized by themes, such as migration, comedy, adventure, science, technology, sports, social, crime, suspense, historical, biographies, as well as by language, film festivals and curated programs such as this special on LGBTIQ-themed documentaries.

What are the best documentaries to watch for free?

The posters of the documentaries available on Guidedoc.tv


If you don't know where to start, we suggest the following list of our best documentaries that you can watch on your laptop, computer or cell phone.

How does the best free mobile application to watch movies online works?

The Guidedoc app on iphone, imac, tablet, latptop

Launched at the end of 2016, Guidedoc.tv is a Video On Demand service dedicated to non-fiction films from all over the world that also provides apps for IPhone, IPad,  Apple TV, Android Phones, Chromecast, Android TV and web.

The large and diverse list of films available on Guidedoc includes works by award-winning filmmakers such as Michael Glawogger (Megacities), Peter Mettler (Gambling, Gods and LSD) and hidden gems of young promises like “My Father's Sins”, the portrait of mobster Pablo Escobar told by his own son, or the renowned post-apocalyptic film “Above and Below”.

Documentary lovers worldwide can watch the films on guidedoc.tv or download the application directly from the Apple Store for free. To enjoy the films for a longer period, users can choose a monthly subscription to watch the full catalog by paying 7.99 Dollars or Euros.

Additional features available on Guidedoc website include a calendar of festivals devoted to the documentary genre and a blog full of content about non-fiction films updated on a weekly basis. Among the most visited blog posts is the best list you can get on the internet about the most impressive documentaries about Chernobyl, the best apps for filming documentaries, and the best ten life-changing documentaries about aging.

Where to find the best free documentaries to watch online?

Victor Correal The founder and CEO of Guidedoc.tv

In its history, Guidedoc has been present at important events in the film industry. In 2019, it was a special guest at Fresh Pitch, China's main bet in terms of production and distribution of documentary films, together with other world audiovisual giants such as Discovery Channel, the European Documentary Network (EDN) and the producer of virtual reality content RYOT.

Aiming to satisfy the demands of avid consumers of non-fiction films, Guidedoc ‘s team searches for documentaries in the best circuits and festivals around the world such as IDFA, Hot Docs Canada, Cannes, Berlin and Locarno. "We are picky because we always want to surprise our viewers, who are avid lovers of the genre" explains Guidedoc founder and CEO Victor Correal. "We have just one condition: we want good documentaries made by professional storytellers".

This article on the best documentary film festivals in the world can be of great help if you want to dig into the trending filmmakers and non-fiction film titles that are making waves. And if you want to have it all easier, you are no longer forced only to search on Netflix, Youtube or Amazon Prime. At Guidedoc we are always posting documentary cinema that deserves to be seen on our website. Every day a new film!

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