This fascinating musical documentary explores the career of Chinese pianist Zhu Xiao-Mei, with a particular focus on he…
This beautiful hybrid film navigates between documentary and fiction to illustrate, from their imaginary, the changes f…
"Die Thomaner" is one of the most prestigious youth choirs in the world. This documentary follows these promising talen…
In this episode of UN, a Japanese activist raises awareness about the danger to human health from chemical waste, speci…
In the style of a travel video diary, a traveler (the director), documents the steps he takes in Tokyo on the eve of hi…
In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, a Japanese filmmaker documents the radiation-free zone.…
Award-winning filmmaker Kazuhiro Soda makes this two-part follow-up to Japanese politician Yama-san as he tries to defe…
This is the second part of filmmaker Kasuhiro Soda's follow-up to the Japanese politician Yama-san, who is now trying t…
Best Documentary Films