This gripping documentary follows Andrea, a single mother who, after discovering her partner’s abuse and becoming pregn…
A father reminisces about cherished times with his ill, estranged daughter, hoping for a reconciliation.
This intriguing documentary delves into the depths of a towering grain silo, where József, a seasoned worker firmly anc…
In the quiet stretches of rural Hungary, a father and son vigilantly patrol their village against unseen threats, their…
A young Chinese director navigates his sexual identity in Europe, confronting cultural expectations and self-expression…
Judit tries to convince her mother Ica to move to a house near her before the Alzheimer's separates them further than t…
1.500 deer remain in a huge farm built in the depths of a Hungarian forest. This documentary takes the pulse of the dyn…
Imagine a remote Roma village in Hungary, where 98 percent of the population is unemployed. Drinking water and public l…
Best Documentary Films