This captivating documentary explores the simple yet profound lives of a group of friends in rural Northeast Thailand, …
In the rigid traditions of Thailand's military draft lottery, two transgender women, born as males, grapple with their …
Banned in his home country, this documentary by young filmmaker Nontawat Numbenchapol is a crude and experiential gaze …
After the murder of a Buddhist art teacher in southern Thailand, three filmmakers make a journey through the region to …
After his previous film was banned by sensors in Thailand, filmmaker Ing K. documents the Shutdown Bangkok protests in …
This documentary follows the producer of "Shakespeare Must Die", a film adaptation of Macbeth's, in his fight against t…
Set in rural Thailand, this documentary follows an endearing elderly couple in their last years of life together. A min…
Buffalo Girls tells the story of two 8-year-old-girls, Stam and Pet, both professional Muay Thai prizefighters. Set in …
Best Documentary Films