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42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street

  • 0 10
  • 2014
  • Nonemin
42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street
  • Original Title: 42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street

The story behind the rise and fall of New York's 42nd Street. The cinemas, the films, the people, the crime and the rebirth of the block as "New 42nd Street" - this is the document of the world's most notorious movie strip.

42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Original Title: 42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Street

Production Companies

High Rising Productions

Curated Award-Winning Docs From Around The Globe

Best Documentary Films