Autour des Salines

  • 7,3 10
  • 1962
  • 22min
Autour des Salines
  • Títol original: Autour des salines (1964)

This classic documents the life in a rural area where the sole source of income is the physically gruelling labour of salt mining.

Autour des Salines

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Rotterdam International Film Festival

Autour des salines. The life in a salt mine in Spain

A visually expressive documentary about salt mining and its perils - done in a style that most subversively evokes a certain then-current official Spanish cinema, made to sell the fascist nation as a holiday paradise. 

The final image of some boys with a fighting cock is more devastating than hopeful.

Jacinto Esteva
Jacinto Esteva Director

Documentals guardonats arreu del món

Les millors pel·lícules documentals