KEDI. Guidedoc’s quick review.

6 de desembre de 2017

“People who don’t like animals, don’t like people”, a fisherman says at one point of this unique documentary, a quote that absolutely describes best what this film is all about.

And, for cat lovers, on Guidedoc we think this is an absolute must on their list.

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In Kedi, Turkish filmmaker Ceyda Torun turns the camera into the every day lives of several cats from the streets of Istanbul. The film combines beautiful images of the city, interviews with its inhabitants and magnificent footage of a versatile camera going after cats while they walk the city.

But it’s not only that. After the film ends, Kedi manages to stay with us for a while, encouraging us to think about our relationship with animals and - of course - with cats specially.



The humanity that transpires while hearing all sorts of stories about these endearing felines around the different corners of the city, one can’t stop thinking about our own experiences with the cats that have passed through our lives.

We talk, of course, about our own pets, these little companions that time have turned into family, or those less fortunate that remain roaming through the streets looking for food. 

We can’t help but think about all those cats that have been mistreated by people or even poisoned because they “invade” their garden.

There’s a very strange myth about cats. It is a kind of myth that derives from lies and misfortunes. And this is when Kedi comes to try to explain the whole culture that surrounds this curious animal.



Certainly, not everyone in Istanbul is nice to them, but the sincerity with which they speak about the cats that walk around their shops, houses or streets, warms the viewer’s heart and makes them reflect on their own society. 

From the docks, the cafes, the little shop around the corner, the fishermen, the fancy restaurants, the little market, Kedi pulls this off by looking at the different stories of cats from all around the city.

Every cat has its own story, like every human being does. This is the purpose of the documentary, which turns a little sadder towards the end, when one of the interviewees says that “animals can rekindle our own slowly dying love of life.” 

This is no joke, depending on everyone’s personal point of view. But the other brilliant fact mentioned in the film is that cats can absorb our excess of negative energy. 



When one finishes watching Kedi, out conception of cats as exceptional companions in life is stronger than ever.

Silent, grumpy, cheerful, quiet, joyful, indifferent, cats are beings made of true sentiment. Kedi tries to reinforce that knowledge from the first minute, and it does it well.


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