Nebojsa Slijepcevic is a critically acclaimed film director from Serbia, best known for his films “State of Despair” (2002) and “The Loneliest Planet” (2011). Born in Belgrade in 1967, Slijepcevic started working as an assistant director on various projects in the early 1990s. In 2000, he made his debut as a feature film director with the film “State of Despair”, which was selected to be screened in the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival.
The film tells the story of a young man from Belgrade who joins a political movement and ends up in a state of despair and disillusionment. It earned Slijepcevic many awards, including the Best Director award at the Pula Film Festival in Croatia.
In 2003, Slijepcevic released his second feature film, “The Loneliest Planet”, which was selected to be screened in the official selection of the Venice Film Festival. The film tells the story of two young lovers who are travelling in the Caucasus region and find themselves in a strange situation. The film won several awards, including the Best Director award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic.
In 2007, Slijepcevic directed the film “The Last Word”, which was selected to be screened in the official selection of the Berlin International Film Festival. The film tells the story of a father and daughter who are trying to come to terms with the death of the child’s mother. The film received several awards, including the Best Director award at the Istanbul International Film Festival.
Slijepcevic has also directed several short films, including “The Man Who Loved Women” (2006) and “The Visit” (2009). He is currently working on a new feature film, “The Stranger”, which is scheduled for release in 2020.
Nebojsa Slijepcevic is one of the leading directors in contemporary Serbian cinema. His films have earned him critical acclaim and numerous awards and recognitions. He is a highly respected director in his home country and abroad.