Alex Nevill is a British filmmaker and cinematographer. He directed Fishcakes & Cocaine, a short documentary about the inhabitants of a remote Scottish peninsula, supported by the British Film Institute. Following this, Alex directed Ferroequinology, a feature-length documentary about two railroad photographers traveling across America which screened at the Slamdance Film Festival in 2022.
Working as a cinematographer, Alex has also photographed several independent feature films as well as short projects with Creative England, Channel 4 and Film London. He studied filmmaking at the Screen Academy Scotland and then completed a PhD in cinema at the University of the West of England in 2018. Alongside his film work, Alex has taught filmmaking at a number of universities around the UK, including University for the Creative Arts, Ravensbourne University London and Kingston School of Art. He has also taught internationally at San Francisco State University (USA) and Paris College of Art (France). Alex holds an MFA degree from the Scotland Screen Academy and completed a practice-led PhD in the Digital Cultures Research Centre at UWE Bristol.