This gripping documentary follows Andrea, a single mother who, after discovering her partner’s abuse and becoming pregnant with his child, battles for justice amid relentless fear and shaming.
AWARDS: Best Documentary. Astra Film Festival/ Youth Award. FIPADOC/ Best Documentary. Budapest International Film Festival
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Sarajevo International Film Festival/ Kasseler DokFestival/ Festival l'Europe/ One World Prague/ Millenium Docs Against Gravity/ Figure/ Baltic Sea Docs/ Forum For Peace/ Solidarity Film Festival
Too Close - A mother’s courageous battle for justice amidst unimaginable fear
This insightful documentary is an intimate portrait of Andrea, a single mother in her forties whose life takes a dark turn after a seemingly fairy-tale romance. While raising her daughter alone, Andrea falls in love with a charming man, only to discover he is abusing her child and that she is pregnant with his baby.
Despite her efforts to seek justice and protect her family, Andrea faces a relentless nightmare when her abuser is released from prison and returns to their village, subjecting her to ongoing fear and shaming.