This gripping investigative documentary attempts to unravel the mystery of the disappearance of a prisoner of war during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1992.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: North Dakota Human Rights Film Festival/ North Dakota, U.S.A/ Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival/ Mumbai International Film Festival 2022
The Son. The mystery of the prisoner of war
An investigative documentary film that examines the disappearance of a young prisoner of war during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1992.
The Son uses unpublished photos taken by Italian war photographer Enrico Sarsini, who covered the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan for a Russian magazine.
This 46-minute documentary finds out what happened to Gasimov and who may be responsible for his disappearance. Filmed over a period of three years, director Karan Singh spoke to witnesses in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Italy and Russia in his search for the truth.