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Richard Harrington: My Grandfather's War

  • 0 10
  • 2017
  • Nonemin
Richard Harrington: My Grandfather's War
  • Original Title: Richard Harrington: My Grandfather's War

Richard Harrington, star of Hinterland and Poldark, sets out to trace the journey of his grandfather, who went to Spain 80 years ago to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War. In this journey of self-discovery Harrington travels from Wales, through Paris and across the Pyrenees into Spain, uncovering the reasons for his own lack of political motivation and discovering a story that kick-starts his own political awakening.

Richard Harrington: My Grandfather's War
Dylan Wyn Richards
Dylan Wyn Richards Producer, Director
Alan Golding
Alan Golding Producer

Production Companies

BBC Wales

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