This documentary follows the hectic daily life of a pediatric physiatrist responsible for the air medical urgency on which the lives of hundreds of children in southern Russia depend.
AWARDS: Audience Award. Flahertiana IDFF/ Diploma for a vivid story about dedicated doctors. Russia Open DFF/ Grand Prix. Siberia Open DFF
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Millenium Film Festival/ Russia Effulgent Angel Orthodox/ Russia Moscow IFF/ Russia Man and Nature Baikal IFF/ Russia CrimeaDoc Crimean Open DFF/ Russia Won Together IDFF/ USA Elizabethtown FF
Resuscitation. Saving lives in the skies
This is a story of a pediatric emergency physician. For 10 years now, he's been bringing the children back from the brink of death.
His shifts often last several days; he's the one to accompany gravely injured patients transported to major hospitals in air ambulances, which is always a risky undertaking.
Once, his world collapsed and he found himself staring at the hook in the ceiling of a rented apartment.
Next, he covered his body with tattoos. When this documentary began to be filmed, he was one of the first to respond to the two tragedies that were watched closely by the entire world.