Prayer for a lost mitten

  • 10 10
  • 2020
  • 78min
Prayer for a lost mitten
  • Original Title: Prière pour une mitaine perdue

In snowy Montreal, a night at the lost and found reveals that sometimes what we lose is just the tip of the iceberg.

Prayer for a lost mitten

AWARDS: Best Canadian Feature Documentary Award. Hot Docs/ Prix spécial du Jury dans la compétition nationale Longs métrages. RIDM/  Special mention. Vancouver International Film Festival/ Best Documentary Feature Award. CUFF.Docs Documentary Film Festival/ Meilleur son | Film documentaire Montréal. Gala Québec Cinéma - Prix IRIS/ Cercle d’or Meilleur Documentaire Sherbrooke. Festival Cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke/ Best Cinematography in a Feature Length Documentary. Canadian Screen Awards


Prayer for a lost mitten - Lost items at the transit office reveal deeper personal losses

As night falls and snow blankets Montreal, people queue up at the transit company's lost and found office. Each person searches for a missing item, but as they reflect, these lost objects come to symbolize deeper, more profound losses in their lives.

This insightful documentary weaves these stories into a poignant tapestry of human connection and the things we yearn to find.

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