This film follows Rafael Correa during an arduous political campaign in his aim to be reelected as president of Ecuador in 2013.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Visions Du Reel/ Big Sky Documentary Film Festival/ EDoc/ 1001 International Documentary Film
Moments of Campaign, A president in the lintels of power
In his first term as president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa propelled the approval of a new constitution for his country and amalgamated a great popular leftist movement to build a citizen's revolution through controversial social reforms.
Through the black and white images of a diligent camera, in Moments of Campaign we follow the eloquent President Correa during the 42 days of political campaign for his re-election in 2013, a fact that would mark a milestone in the political history of the South American country.
The film reminds us of other historic political documentaries such as "Primary", that accounts Kennedi's road to power, or "Citizen Havel", that documents the previous moments of Vaclav Havel's appointment as president of Czech Republic. The common achievement of these films is suggesting a portrait of the man behind the leader.