This gripping documentary delves into the life and legacy of Professor Hermógenes, a pioneering figure in yoga and holistic therapy, whose dedication to yoga-therapy has inspired countless individuals worldwide.
Hermogenes, Professor and Poet of Yoga - Inspirational, Transformative, Holistic
This captivating documentary celebrates the remarkable life of Professor Hermógenes, whose unwavering commitment to yoga-therapy has left an indelible mark on Brazil and beyond. Through a wealth of unreleased material, including rare videos, photos, and interviews, viewers are offered an intimate glimpse into his journey, from encounters with renowned gurus like Sai Baba and Chico Xavier to transformative trips to India. Hermógenes's profound impact is felt through his 30 books and teachings that continue to resonate with a growing community of followers. With music by Grammy-nominated artist Krishna Das, this film pays tribute to a visionary who has touched countless lives with his love and dedication to healing through yoga.