During a radio show, the inhabitants of a city share intimate revelations on the eve of the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Hot Docs Canada/ DOCUDAYS UA/ ZagrebDOX/ Minsk Film Festival Listapad/ Short Waves/ ZubrOFFka/ Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival/ Krakow International Film Festival/ New Horizons/ DOC NYC
End Of The World. A radio show and nothingness
Esta noche, los habitantes de una ciudad llaman a un programa de radio nocturno para enfrentar su soledad. This time the subject of the broadcast is the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar.
The speaker asks the listeners what it actually means to each one of them. They talk about things that are tragic and painful, and sometimes small and funny. Their need to be heard, to communicate, to share their experience with someone else is evident and moving.