This Oscar-Nominated animation illustrates the dilemma of Bill Babbitt, who must make a decision when he realizes his brother has committed a crime: to call the police or keep quiet.
AWARDS: Oscar Nominee for Best Documentary Short Film/ Best Short Film. Ida Awards/ Winner News and Program Specialty -Documentary-Topical. Annual Northern California Area Emmy® Award/ Best Directors, Best Editing and The Stylistic Achievement Award. Social Impact Media Award/ Winner. Hollywood International independent Documentary Awards/ Winner of the Spotlight Documentary Film Awards. Planitium Award/ Winner. Spotlight Documentary Awards/ Jury Award. Best Short Full Frame Documentary Film Festival/ Film Maker Award. Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University/ Audience Award, Best Short. SF Doc Fest/ Jury Award, Best Short Documentary. Hamptons International Film Festival/ Outstanding Documentary Short Film, Tall Grass Int. Film Festival/ Animated Short Doc Award. Bar Harbor/ Impact Award. (In)Justice for All International Film Festival/ Best Experimental Short. Atlanta Docufest/ Best Short Documentary. DC Indie Film festival/ Honorable Mention, Best Documentary Short, Irvine International Film Festival/ Honorary Mention, Best Animated Documentary Short Film. Dok Leipzig/ Best Short Documentary. Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival/ Full Frame Documentary Film Festival/ Finalist Cine Eagle Award
Last Day OF Freedom. An animation about criminal justice in the US
When Bill Babbitt realizes his brother Manny has committed a crime he agonizes over his decision- should he call the police?
Last Day of Freedom, a richly animated personal narrative, tells the story of Bill’s decision to stand by his brother in the face of war, crime and capital punishment.
The film is a portrait of a man at the nexus of the most pressing social issues of our day – veterans’ care, mental health access and criminal justice.