I’m Still Here

  • 9 10
  • 2017
  • 14min
I’m Still Here
  • Títol original: Sigo Acá

Filmmaker Tana Gilbert films the relationship between her octogenarian grandmother and her uncle Jhonny, a mentally unstable man. Between dementia and oblivion, there is a touching portrait of a mother and her son.

I’m Still Here

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Hot Docs Canada/ Miradas Doc

I'm Still Here. Affection and mental illness

This film is born from the subtle gaze and the personal experience of filmmaker Tana Gilbert. The connection she has had with the theme of mental illness is linked to Julia, her grandmother and her uncle Johnny. 

Thanks to the privileged access she has to them, she was able to explore their relationship and immerse herself in their coexistence. Gilbert portrays them in a close way, avoiding the prejudice of the representation of a mentally ill person.

Tana Gilbert
Tana Gilbert Director

Empreses de producció

Patio De Luz

Documentals guardonats arreu del món

Les millors pel·lícules documentals