Here And Yonder

  • 8 10
  • 2018
  • 65min
Here And Yonder
  • Títol original: Here We Go into the Wild Blue Yonder (1979)

Through a cinema workshop, a group of students from an Armenian school in Argentina use film resources to reconstruct a collective memory of the Armenian diaspora.

Here And Yonder

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Mar Del Plata International Film Festival/ 

Here And Yonder. A primary school and the Armenian diaspora

April, a significant month for the community of a school an Armenian school in Argentina. The year of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide coincides with a different project, inviting 6th grade students to participate in a “Cinema Workshop” directed by filmmaker Hernán Khourian.

Through this educational proposal, which aims to stimulate and develop new learning through the use and discovery of multimedia resources, students make a collective documentary on the transmission of genocide and Armenian culture in the diaspora.

Empreses de producció

Maravilla Cine

Documentals guardonats arreu del món

Les millors pel·lícules documentals