Sorious Samura

Sorious Samura

Actor, Director


Sorious Samura is a documentary filmmaker from Sierra Leone who has produced some of the most thought-provoking documentaries of this generation. He has won two Emmy awards and several prestigious film festival awards.

Born in Southern Sierra Leone in 1962, Sorious Samura was educated at the University of Sierra Leone. After graduating with a degree in political science, he moved to London to pursue a career in documentary filmmaking.

Since then, Sorious Samura has created a series of documentaries that have focused on some of the toughest issues of our time, such as genocide, child soldiers, and the global refugee crisis. He has traveled to some of the most dangerous places on earth in order to tell the stories of those who are often forgotten.

In 2008, Sorious Samura created his first major documentary, “Living with Hunger”, which won both an Emmy and a Peabody Award. This documentary focused on the devastating effects of famine in Africa. It was followed by “Surviving the War”, which focused on the civil war in Sierra Leone. This documentary won a CINE Golden Eagle award.

Sorious Samura has also produced a number of shorter documentaries, such as “The Journey”, which focused on the plight of African migrants in Europe and “The Silent Tears of Africa”, which looked at life in the slums of Ghana.

In 2010, he was awarded the International Emmy for Best Documentary for his work on “The Burning Season”, which focused on the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

Sorious Samura is an inspiration for documentary filmmakers everywhere. His work has allowed us to gain a greater understanding of the world around us and to see the humanity in all of us. He is a true artist and a powerful voice for the voiceless.

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