Charles Evers

Charles Evers



Charles Evers (born October 11, 1922) is an American civil rights leader who, along with his brother Medgar Evers, led the struggle for African American civil rights in Mississippi.

Charles was born in Decatur, Mississippi, to James and Jessie Evers. His parents were sharecroppers, and the family had very little money. As a young boy, Charles attended segregated schools, and he experienced the racism of the Jim Crow South.

In 1942, Charles joined the United States Army and served in World War II. After the war, he studied at Alcorn State University and earned a degree in sociology. In 1954, he joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and worked with his brother, Medgar, to organize civil rights demonstrations, protests, and boycotts.

In 1962, Charles was elected mayor of Fayette, Mississippi. He was the first African American mayor in Mississippi since Reconstruction. As mayor, he worked to improve conditions for African Americans in the city, including increasing access to jobs, housing, and educational opportunities.

In 1968, Charles was appointed to the Mississippi Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. He worked with the committee to assess the state of civil rights in Mississippi and to bring attention to the lack of progress in civil rights throughout the state.

In 1971, Charles ran for governor of Mississippi. Although he lost the election, he did win a significant number of votes, becoming the first African American candidate for governor in Mississippi.

Charles has received numerous awards and honors for his work in civil rights, including the NAACP's Spingarn Medal and the Congressional Gold Medal. He has also served as a professor at Tougaloo College and has written several books on civil rights.

Charles is now 97 years old and continues to work for civil rights and social justice in Mississippi. He is a living symbol of the civil rights movement in Mississippi and a reminder of the importance of continuing the fight for civil rights and justice for all.

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