When I saw them kissing

  • 7.5 10
  • 2012
  • 17min
When I saw them kissing
  • Original Title: Quand est-ce que je les ai vus s'embrasser

A night taxi's intimate confessions reveal the hidden desires and secret lives of its drivers and passengers.

When I saw them kissing

When I saw them kissing - Night, Taxi, Confession, Desire

This narrative unfolds in the enigmatic setting of a nighttime taxi ride, where the driver, choosing an unknown destination, opens up about a personal sexual encounter. As the journey progresses, the intimacy of the confession blurs the line between driver and passenger, reflecting the hidden desires that emerge in the nocturnal world. The story delves into the darker, more secretive side of human nature, revealed through the lens of the taxi's dimly lit interior and the candid conversations that take place within it.

Janon Baptiste
Janon Baptiste Director

Production Companies

CVB (Centre Video de Bruxelles)

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