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To The Dead

  • 8 10
  • 2017
  • 8min
To The Dead
  • Original Title: A Los Muertos

Through a walk through a cemetery, a narrator reflects on how society and politics impact the individual dimension of the human being. Of the Living and the Dead.

To The Dead

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Rooftop Film Festival/ Euganea Film Festival/ Tirana International Film Festival/ Santiago del Estero Film Festival/ Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterhur. Switzerland 

To The Dead. A walk through a cemetery

To The Dead is a cinematic essay made up 
of personal reflections and digressions that cumulatively weave a portrait of Colombia’s political and social strife. 

The film is narrated in the first-person by a character who walks through a cemetery. Although his utterances lack the authority of an officially sanctioned historical account, they reveal insights into the ways the personal intersect with the social and political.

 His narrative is infused with contradictory thoughts and emotions, reminding the viewer how oftentimes the intimate and traumatic are left out in the authoring of an official, national history.

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