Filmmaker Frédéric Ramade follows a curious shaman on his tour throughout France. The trip will be a meeting of seemingly incompatible cultures and beliefs.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Festival du Cinéma du Réel/ Biografilm Festival/ Alternativa - Festival de cinema independant de Barcelone/ Festival du nouveau cinéma/ Festival des nouveaux cinémas documentaires/ Rencontres cinématographiques de Béjaia/ FIFAI - Ile de la Réunion/ FIDADOC/ Cinémigrante/ MiradasDoc/ Rencontres Internationale de la Gaïté Lyrique/ Festival À nous de voir/ Rencontres Internationales des Cinémas Arabes
The Red Way. Following the footsteps of a Shaman in France
Steven Blue Horse, professional shaman and a high lover of sirloin steak, every year does a tour in France.
Following the footsteps of this mans on the roads of France, Frédéric will have to learn this very singular Indian vision, between sacred and profane, poetic and comic.