In this gripping short documentary, an elderly director's introspective journey before filming her latest documentary intertwines past memories and present inspirations, influenced by encounters with traveling artists.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Torino Film Festival/ Ismailia International Film Festival/ Cinema Odissea/ Ischia Global Fest/ Passaggi d’autore Intrecci Mediterranei Sant’Antioco/ Italy on Screen Today New York Film & TV Series Festival
The External Gaze - Creativity, Evocative, Inspirational
In this introspective documentary, viewers are invited into the inner world of an aging director as she grapples with the complexities of creativity and inspiration. Through a series of internal monologues, viewers witness her journey through memories, images, and emotions, as she seeks to capture the essence of her latest project. Along the way, encounters with three traveling artists offer glimpses into different perspectives, shaping her artistic vision and driving her pursuit of elusive inspiration.