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  • 8.5 10
  • 2014
  • 4min
  • Original Title: Teresa (2010-2011)

Passed twenty years, Teresa, a Cuban women forgotten by her great love, decides to burn her past.


OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Internacional Euro Film Festival/ Florida Movie Festival/ Festival de Cine de la Mujer Marialionza/ Mostra Do Film Livre/ Cine 60/ Festival Cortos Rodinia/ Festival de Cine de Castilla La Mancha/ Catalyst Communities Film Festival/ VI FMCEX/ Nau Festival de Cinema E Artes De Ezpressao Ibérica/ Festival Latinidades/ Feria Internacional de Cine de Manizales/ Festival de Cine de Paracho/ Fiaticorti Film Festival/ Edición Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes 4Min En Corto/ Semana Internacional de Cine de Autor de Lugo/ International Festival of Short Film Short Form/ Amucine/ Festival Universitario de Cine y Audiovisuales Equinoxio/ Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Cine A La Calle Barranquilla/ Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario/ Pataluma International Film Festival/ Festival De Cinema Universitario de Alagoas/ Ko&Digital/ 2nd Pink City International Short Film Festival/ Ciclo de Cine el Páramo/ Muestra de Cine Iberoamericano/ Festival de Cinema de Tres Passos/ Unframe/ Festival Audiovisual Porque Te Quiero, Te Apoyo/ Outubro No Teatro Bamboa Nova/ China Women's Film Festival/ Concurso de Cortos Educasolid& Minidoc II/ Festival Internacional de Cine de Tunja/ Mecal Chile/ Ananse Festival de Cine Afro/ Miragem/ Festival de Cine Latinoamericano del Barrio Mapocho/ Canal Brasil/ Shorty Week/ Contra el Silencio de Todas Las Voces/ Do Ozark Shorts/ Festival Internacional De Video Experimental/ Festival AltoVicentino/ Búzios Cine Clube/ Mostra Das Minas/ Siciliambiente Documentary Film Festival

Teresa. A letter to a past love from Havana

Teresa, a woman with a soft look who lives in Havana, writes a letter to a man who left her after 20 years together.

While we see regular postcards of the capital of Cuba, we listen to the words of this correspondence full of poetry and hope, because the great challenge of Teresa is to burn this letter to break into a new life.

Lilih Curi
Lilih Curi Director

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