Explore the lives of a New York burlesque dancer, French chefs, a Swedish diver, a Japanese pearl maker, and an English psychologist, all connected by the metaphor of the oyster.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Hot Docs/ DocEdge/ San Francisco Indie Film Festival/ Moscow International Food Film Festival/ FoodxFilm Festival/ Devour Food Film Festival/ Clayoquot Oyster Film Festival/ FIPADOC/ Euro Film Festival Czechia/ Freep Film Festival
Taste Of Desire - The Oyster: A Global Symphony of Desire
Embark on a poetic and philosophical odyssey around the globe, guided by the metaphor of the oyster. This documentary weaves together the lives of a New York burlesque dancer juggling stage and motherhood, Michelin chefs in France wrestling with their egos, a Swedish oyster diver embracing a radical new life, a Japanese pearl maker striving for elusive perfection, and a terminally ill English psychologist completing his ultimate book.
Through these vivid stories, explore how the relentless pursuit of fulfillment shapes our existence and challenges our deepest desires. The oyster becomes a profound symbol of humanity’s enduring connection to nature and our endless quest for meaning.