Talk to me

  • 8 10
  • 2015
  • 1min
Talk to me
  • Original Title: Mów do mnie

A director’s friendship with an addict deepens, blurring the line between filmmaker and confidante.

Talk to me

Talk to me - A filmmaker's bond with an addict blurs lines of responsibility

This insightful documentary delves into the evolving relationship between filmmaker Marta Prus and 21-year-old Krzysztof, a resident of a rehab center in Warsaw struggling with marijuana addiction.

Over several months, their bond grows from filmmaker to subject to something far more complex as Krzysztof’s feelings for Marta shift from trust and friendship to love. The documentary grapples with questions of boundaries, responsibility, and the delicate line between observer and participant.

Marta Prus
Marta Prus Director

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