Strong Feather

  • 8 10
  • 2019
  • 13min
Strong Feather
  • Original Title: Pluma Forte

A resonating narrative of defiance, desire, and resilience, exploring the woman's body through the lens of four trailblazing artists.

Strong Feather

OFFICIAL SELECTION: Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens de São Paulo. Curta Kinoforum/ Zinegoak, International LGTB Film and Performing Arts Festival/ VIII Mostra Internacional Audiovisual do Curta O Gênero/ Encontro Intercontinental e Intergaláctico de Performance/ OMOVIES Film Festival - International Festival of LGBT Film/ Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTI “El Lugar Sin Límites”/ FanCineGay, the International LGBT Film Festival of Extremadura/ Vox Feminae Film Festival/ Festival de Escuelas de Cine con Perspectiva de Género/ Curtas em Flagrante/ FEIA - Festival dos Estudantes do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp/ Festival Internacional de cine LesBiGayTrans/ Crossing The Screen/ La otra Banqueta/ Cinecipó - Festival de Cinema Insurgente/ Fem Tour Truck 2020 - festival Internacional e itinerante de video-arte feminista/ Mostra Competitiva do 3o Filma Bauru/ Encontro de Cinema do Interior Paulista/ UNICAMP QUEER 2020/ Encontro Fazendo e Desfazendo Gênero na ECA/ Elas Fazem Cinema: Mostra de filmes dirigidos por mulheres - UFG/ REPENSANDO MITOS CONTEMPORÂNEOS/ Festival de Taguatinga - Mostra Seleção Popular/ ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2020/ Curta o Curta - seleção menção honrosa/ Mostra Audiovisual Fazendo o Gênero/ Curtaflix Festival/ Mostra Cine Diversidade/ Festival CineTamoio/

Strong Feather - A bold celebration of feminine defiance

Is a captivating documentary-poem that delves into the complex narratives surrounding the female body. It paints a vivid portrait of four boundary-pushing artists who defy conventions, challenge norms, and turn their bodies into powerful instruments of resistance and transgression. Through their intimate stories and performances, the film explores themes of dissent, desire, empowerment, and survival, offering a bold and unapologetic celebration of female strength and autonomy.

Coraci Ruiz
Coraci Ruiz Director

Production Companies

Gonella Productions

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