Small Things Big Things

  • 7.7 10
  • 2014
  • 66min
Small Things Big Things
  • Original Title: Small Things Big Things

If this were a letter, the return address would be: From the students and teachers of Sita School, Silvepura, Bangalore 560090, India. If this were a diary, it would contain entries between 5th June 2012 an 28th April 2013. I return to my first school and join with the present students and teachers in their everyday adventures of learning. Through the stories that unfold we enter imaginary worlds and intimate relationships. 'Small Things, Big Things' is a celebration of when Education becomes Art.

Small Things Big Things
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Hot Docs Canada/ Visions du Reel/ Lahore International Childrens Festival/ Children Film Festival Bangladesh

Small Things, Big Things, the precious time to learn

"This is where I return. This is where I begin” it reads on screen during the first  seconds of "Small things, Big things", a phrase that relates to the journey that Indian director Saumyananda Sahi makes to find himself in the face of the children of the school where he studied in his childhood, located in the outskirts of Bangalore, also his native city. 

Through the intimacy of a film lens that becomes another presence in the class room of a low-income elementary school, Sahi manages to capture the cherished instants in which the children learn many things about life.

Whether debating if prehistoric man had a tail or if he did actually wore clothes; or shooting their own news report on a mosquito that swarms around the town, and even staging a play in the schoolyard, this documentary really gives these moments of revelation and personal growth the value they deserve.

Production Companies

Skreen Films

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