
  • 8.7 10
  • 2018
  • 15min

Sky, a boy with a severe hearing impairment, takes on the daily challenge of being a normal child.


AWARDS: Best Short Film. Cinema Touching Disability/ Best Short Documentary. Inclús Barcelona Film Festival/ Best Documentary Short Film. IKFFI/ Best Short Documentary Award. Docked

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Docfeed Festival, Eindhoven/ Go Short International Film Festival/ Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival/ The International Children’s Film Carnival/ Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños/ Korte Filmfestival/ Sharjah International Children’s Film Festival/ Jio MAMI Mumbai film festival/ DOCSDF/ OULU Film Festival/ Cinema Touching Disability/ SMILE International Film Festival for Children & Youth/ Bluenose-Ability Film Festival/ Olympia International Film Festival/ Children’s Film Festival Seattle/ International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh/ Ammehoela Filmfestival/ DocsValència/  International Kids Film Festival India/ Columbus Ohio ReelAbilities/ Festival Inclús/ Houston ReelAbilities/ Northern Virginia ReelAbilities

Sky, A child between silence and awareness

At his nine years of age, Sky must use a hearing aid to barely hear the sounds around him due to a severe hearing impairment. But this limitation does nothing but feed his vibrant curiosity about his surrounding world. 

Most of the film occurs in the classroom of the school that Sky attends, a place that does not end up being friendly enough due to the bullying or the frustration of not being able to perfectly listen to all his classmates. 

Director Loes Janssen positions herself from the proximity of Sky's auditory point of view to document our little character in his daily conflict between silence and awareness, a dilemma from which he emerges gracefuly thanks to his unwavering sense of constancy.

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