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  • 6 10
  • 2012
  • 49min
  • Original Title: Saicomania (2011)

After four decades since they left the rock scene in Lima, this documentary makes a retrospective of the musical phenomenon created by the Peruvian rock band "Los Saicos". The film transcends the South American region and reflects on the emergence of garage bands worldwide in the mid-sixties.




Saicomania, The wildest punk rock music from South America

From 1964 to 1966, the quartet of Los Saicos shook the small rock scene set in Lima, Peru. Their songs, full of rage, noise and savagery, inspired by the golden age of punk, marked the lives of hundreds of young people who still listen to their songs in the present.

Héctor Chávez’s documentary appeals to the same visceral aesthetic of the band to make a musical portrait as chaotic as it is passionate. From Lima, passing through London and New York, the filmmaker interviews musicologists, columnists and musicians who put the phenomenon of Los Saicos in perspective, placing it on a global scale.

In this way, the film finds a universal dimension and becomes a document to reflect on the emergence of garage bands worldwide, in a context where The Ramones and The Sex Pistols broke schemes and inspired millions of teenagers to pour their most volatile emotions in a guitar.

Production Companies

Kitchen Porter Films

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