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On The Road

  • 8 10
  • 2010
  • 98min

Precise, unpredictable, alive. This documentary follows a group of men trying to make their way down the roads of southern China through a relentless snowstorm.

On The Road. A road movie through a white storm

After a snow disaster in Southern China, filmmaker had to changed the original intention of this documentary. 

During a heavy snowfall, a group of middle-aged men walk together, moving forward step by step under the harsh condition, facing continuous road closures, constantly emerging problems, and tormented waiting. 

The friendship between the men is both strong and fragile, and this snow disaster is also like a nightmare, it happens like a spell, and disappears without a trace.

This film is part of our program "China in focus" (by Cathayplay)

Yang Yishu
Yang Yishu Director

Production Companies

Lu Xiaoping

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