On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution From Here

  • 10 10
  • 2020
  • 61min
On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution From Here
  • Original Title: On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution from Here

A visually striking 16mm journey through Kazakhstan's abandoned Soviet-era industrial sites, revealing the lingering impact of resource exploitation on the nation's past and its political landscape today.

On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution From Here

OFFICIAL SELECTION: Visions du Réel/ MoMA Documentary Fortnight/ Sheffield Doc Fest/ Edinburgh International Film Festival/ UKDharamshala International Film Festival/ Athens Film & Video Festival/ Astra Film Festival

On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution From Here - Soviet industrial shadows linger in Kazakhstan's landscapes

This bold documentary takes viewers on a visually striking journey across Kazakhstan, revealing the remnants of Soviet-era industrial infrastructures.

Shot on 16mm, the documentary explores abandoned mines, electrical grids, and nuclear sites, uncovering the deep impact of resource extraction on Kazakhstan's past and present.

It draws a powerful connection between the exploitation of the nation's mineral wealth during Soviet times and how these resources continue to shape political agendas in the post-independence era.

Emma Charles
Emma Charles Director

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Emma Charles

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