Nude Photography – e.g., Gundula Schulze

  • 9 10
  • 1983
  • 11min
Nude Photography – e.g., Gundula Schulze
  • Original Title: Aktfotografie – z.B. Gundula Schulze

Photographer Gundula Schulze discusses her evocative nude portraits, which defy superficial eroticism and reveal the deeper struggles of East German women.

Nude Photography – e.g., Gundula Schulze

Nude Photography – e.g., Gundula Schulze - Capturing women's full personalities 

In this short film, East German photographer Gundula Schulze (b. 1954) passionately explains her creative process and her desire to capture the full personality of the women in her work. Schulze's nude portraits, set in social contexts, contrast sharply with the typical, superficially erotic nude photographs.

Since the late 1970s, her innovative photo series have faced official disapproval for highlighting the loneliness, poverty, and distress experienced by some in East German society. This conversation with Schulze, filmed in color, is interspersed with black-and-white clips of working women, offering a profound insight into her artistic vision.

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Helke Misselwitz

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