No Crying at the Dinner Table

  • 9 10
  • 2019
  • 15min
No Crying at the Dinner Table
  • Original Title: No Crying at the Dinner Table

Filmmaker Carol Nguyen interviews her family to reveal a deeply emotional portrait of intergenerational trauma, grief, and unspoken secrets.

No Crying at the Dinner Table

AWARDS: Change Connect Award.Real Asian Film Festival/ Meilleur Court Métrage
Documentaire. Filministes/ Best Short Doc. SXSW/ Special Jury Award For Writing. Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival/ Best International Short Documentary. Galway Film Fleadh/ 

OFFICIAL SELECTION: Toronto International Film Festival/ Vancouver International Film Festival/ Festival du Nouveau Cinéma/ Real Asian Film Festival/ IDFA/ South Western International Film Festival/ TIFF Shortcut Series: Portraits/ Calgary Underground Film Festival

No Crying at the Dinner Table - Family secrets and trauma unveiled

In a deeply personal exploration, filmmaker Carol Nguyen interviews her own family to create an emotionally intricate and meticulously crafted portrait of intergenerational trauma, grief, and hidden secrets. This cathartic documentary delves into the weight of things left unsaid, exposing the profound impact of unspoken emotions and truths on family dynamics.






Carol Nguyen
Carol Nguyen Director

Production Companies

Carol Nguyen, Aziz Zoromba

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