In the silent halls of Sulaymaniyah University, Hama's unique bond with a cadaver unfolds a touching exploration of life's impermanence and the mysteries of the afterlife.
AWARDS: Winner. Slemani International film festival/ Best Short International Documentary. Film of The 11th FILUM/ Best Short Director for Documentary. Film of The 11th FILUMS/
Best Short Documentary film. International Tour Film Festival/ Jury Awards for International short Documentary film. SHORTS MÉXICO/ Winner. London Super Shorts Film Festival/ Winner of the 1st Kalamata International Short Documentary Film
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival/ Krakow Film Festival/ Martovski Festival/ Ghent Viewpoint Documentary Film/ Olhar de Cinema- International Film
Festival/ Sheffield DocFest/ Ischia Global Film Festival/ Golden Apricot Film Festival/ Moscow International Documentary Film/ Festival DOKer/ Belo Horizonte International Short Film
Festival/ Global University Film Awards/ DokuBaku IDFF/ Saratov Sufferings International Film
Festival of Documentary Drama/ The Montreal International Documentary/ Camerimage Film Festival/ San Diego Asia Film Festival/ IDFA (Docs for sale)/ Amity Film Festival/ IPSMF/ International Silk Road Film Festival/ IFF ZOOM-ZBLIZENIA/ Brussels Independent Film Festival/ Węgiel Film Festival/ Showreel, Effat International Student/ FerFilm Festival/ Amsterdam Kurdish Festival/ Manlleu Film Festival
Laboratory NO.2 - Life, Death, Bond, Beyond
For over a decade, Hama has forged an unorthodox bond in the Anatomy Department of Sulaymaniyah University, Kurdistan. Working meticulously with a single cadaver, he perceives a deep camaraderie that transcends life and death. The film gracefully traces Hama's intricate interactions, weaving a poignant tapestry that muses on the essence of existence, the finality of death, and the ethereal realm that might lie beyond.