Featuring icons such as Ernestine "Tiny" Davis, Anna Mae Winburn and Pauline Brady, this short film portrays the women who made their way in the world of jazz in a multi-racial band in the 1940s.
AWARDS: First Prize Festival de Films de Femmes Paris
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Berlinale International Film Festival/ New York Film Festival
Int'l Sweethearts of Rhythm. The multi-racial all-women jazz band
From the Piney Woods School in the Mississippi Delta to the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York City, this toe-tapping music film tells the story of the swinging, multi-racial all-women jazz band of the 1940s.
A 16 piece band with a strong brass section, heavy percussion, and a deep rhythmic sense, the Sweethearts were not just a novelty but featured many of the best female musicians of the day.