The debut feature of risk-taking filmmaker Gustavo Vinagre takes place in a single location and in a single, compelling night conversation with Julia, a Brazilian transsexual woman full of secrets.
AWARDS: Prêmio Joris Ivens Melhor Filme, Prêmio do júri jovem de Melhor Filme. Cinéma du Reel/ Prêmio Helena Ignez para destaque feminino. Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes/ Grande Prémio de Longa Metragem Cidade de Lisboa, Prémio Especial do Júri canais TVCine & Series. IndieLisboa/ Art of the Real Linconl Center NY/ FIDMarseille/
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Festival Internacional de Mar del Plata/ FIDBA/ Open City Documentary Festival in London/ Viennale/ FilmFest Hamburg/ 51º Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro/ Festival Mix Brasil/ Brussels Pink Screens Film Festival/ DIGO - Festival Internacional de Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero de Goiás/ International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Inconvenient Films/ Festival Transcinema Internacional de Cine
I Remember The Crows. Intimacy in a sleepless night
Julia Katharine, a transgender Brazilian-Japanese actress , welcomes the film-maker (she has already worked with) into her home.
Before morning has broken, she speaks about her relationship with her parents, a love affair in her youth that wasn’t really love, her insomnia and her passion for film.