I Am Not Crying

  • 9 10
  • 2018
  • 64min
I Am Not Crying
  • Original Title: I'm Not Crying (2017)

In a small village in western Russia all the inhabitants celebrate a day in which the mourning for a dead person turns into a carnival rite, with all its excesses and laughter.

I Am Not Crying

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Festival International Du Film Ethnographique Du Québec

I Am Not Crying. A rite where death is pure life

Stroma’s or “grannie’s” funeral is a unique rite that is celebrated for 3 days in Shutilovo village in Nizhny Novgorod region (Russia).

In its essence it is a folk carnival described by Mikhail Bakhtin and François Rabelais as a change of clothes, fun, lots of food, alcohol and indecent words and deeds.

There is no place for real grief in that playful imitation of death and funeral. But when all the everyday life of the village goes wrong it is hard not to cry. 

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