Premiered at Locarno, this short film by multi-award-winning filmmaker Laila Pakalniņa is a visual testament of the landscapes along a controversial Latvian road.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Festival Internacional de Cine de Locarno/ Pravoljudski Film Festival / Festival Internacional de Cine Tofifest/ Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata/ Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijón
Hello, Horse. That Awful Road
Approached by locals, Laila Pakalniņa was urged to film the surroundings of what they call "that horrible road." This is a seemingly ordinary Latvian country road, but one that contains in its landscape much of the national sentiment: something that changes but remains the same.
Under this premise, Pakalniņa claims to film also the opposite: that which always remains as it is yet keeps changing anyway. Silent and powerfully evocative, these postcards speak to us of the soul of a country in a trance.