In this experimental short documentary, a solitary walk around a common neighborhood becomes a surreal experience inspired by the confidences of an arsonist.
AWARDS: Audience Prize. Festival 7e Lune
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: International Film Festival Rotterdam/ Dok Leipzig/ FID/ Front Doc/ Indie Lisboa/ Ethnocineca - International Documentary Film Festival/ Flat Pack Festival/ Rencontres Paris-Berlin/ ICDOCS/ Partie de Campagne/ Chacun son court
Hearths. A surreal short film about fire
A slow movement through a residential neighbourhood, with empty streets, plain facades, as though artificial.
A man recounts his story about the first time, attraction, desire, dizziness of the ignition, forgetfulness, complete blackout.
The monologue is composed of transcriptions of psychotherapeutic sessions with arsonists, from the period 1960-1980.