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Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler to Argentina

  • 8 10
  • 2014
  • 98min
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler to Argentina
  • Original Title: Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler to Argentina

After being defeated in World War II, Adolf Hitler fled to Argentina, where he died in 1962. Did he not? This docudrama tells this impressive version of history from the voice of experts in the investigation.

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler to Argentina

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler to Argentina

History tells us that Hitler died on 30th April 1945 by committing suicide with a gunshot to the head. But what if history is wrong? 

Based on interviews and years of dedicated research, this dramatization explores the possibility that Hitler didn't die in Germany, but instead escaped from Berlin by air and made his way to Argentina. 

This is the gripping story of what might have happened. 

Production Companies

Grey Wolf Productions


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