For Those Who See

  • 8.7 10
  • 2018
  • 39min
For Those Who See
  • Original Title: For those who see

How to depict the situation of being blind? This short film appeals to text and other cinematographic mechanisms to illustrate the testimonies of 5 blind people that try to explain blindness.

For Those Who See

For Those Who See. The images of blindness

Blindness, whether congenital or acquired is masked by many disguises, but the difference between seeing and not seeing remains invisible to the human eye.

Loosely yet methodically connected interviews with 7 blind people from 5 different countries provide deeply subjective and intimate insight into the fascinating subject of the imagination of the blind, the notion seemingly involving all of us, even those who persistently claim to be able to see... As if it's so obvious that we all do.

Production Companies

Disputed Point

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