Premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, this documentary delves into a foster home for mixed-race youth in Ukraine and reveals how difficult it is to grow up in a society with hints of racism.
AWARDS: Best Documentary. Hot Docs Canada
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Sundance Film Festival/ Genie Awards/ Hamptons International Film Festival/ Vukovar Film Festival
Family Portrait. Growing up mixed-race in Eastern Europe
Somewhere in rural Ukraine, Olga Nenya, a disciplined Ukrainian woman, is raising a group of sixteen mixed-race children and teenagers.
But in a society where neo-fascist ideas are on the rise in the face of waves of migration, it is hard for these young people to find their space.
Directed by Julia Ivanova, the film invites us to be discreet observers of this microcosm inhabited by young people with aspirations and dreams of a better life in a country that does not yet seem to be theirs.