
  • 9 10
  • 2022
  • 96min
  • Original Title: Dividual

Exploring individuality in modern society, this insightful documentary dissects the tension between free will and interconnected existence through a mosaic of intimate life stories.


Dividual - Exploring individuality in modern society

This thought-provoking documentary delves into the essence of individuality in a modern liberal society, examining the tension between being an indivisible individual and a divisible part of a complex system.

The narrative questions free will within an interconnected society, especially in light of the recent liberal crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. Shot over several years in Porto, the film captures daily activities in public and private institutions that support families in need, presenting a non-linear, contemporary portrait of intimate life stories.

Through a circular narrative filled with voices, silences, and visual subversions, "Dividual" challenges modern societal values and human nature, presenting a mosaic of themes such as violence, education, health, poverty, and justice without judgment or specific viewpoints.

Production Companies

Fronteira Filmes

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